Oronsay Bed & Breakfast

Tobermory, Isle of Mull

New Higher Biology

There are a number of resources available for each section.

Crosswords. These allow you to fill in the crossword puzzle and have it marked.
Drag & Drop exercises. Hopefully coming soon.
Matching Exercises .Hopefully coming soon.
BBC Bitesize . These are links directly to the BBC Bitesize website for the appropriate topic.
Cloze tests. Hopefully coming soon.
Slide Shows. These allow you to study the topic using the teacher presentations.
Printable cloze tests. Hopefully coming soon.

Unit 1 – DNA & the Genome

1. Structure of DNA
2. Replication of DNA
3. Control of Gene Expression
4. Cellular Differentiation

5. Structure of the Genome

6. Mutations
7. Evolution
8. Genomic Sequencing
Unit 2– Metabolism & Survival
9. Metabolic Pathways & their Control
10. Cellular Respiration
11. Metabolic Rate
12. Metabolism in Conformers & Regulators
13. Metabolism and Adverse Conditions
14. Environmental Control of Metabolism
15. Genetic Control of Metabolism
16. Ethical Considerations.
Unit 3 – Control and Regulation
17. Food Supply, Plant Growth & Productivity
18. Plant & Animal Breeding
19. Crop Protection
20. Animal Welfare
21. Symbiosis
22. Social Behaviour
23. Mass Extinction & Biodiversity
24. Threats to Biodiversity