Reprogramming microbes

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  1    2             3       
           4     5        
7                   8     
         13            14   


1. hormone made by the pancreas that controls blood sugar level (7)
5. tiny disease-causing organism that shows living and non-living characteristics (5)
6. unwanted micro-organism that has gained access to a culture or a food medium (10)
9. circular piece of genetic material from a bacterium; can be used to transfer a gene from one organism to another. (6)
10. basic unit of inheritance, many of which make up a chromosome; each carries the information needed to make a protein (4)
11. enzyme that digests protein (8)
13. enzyme that digests lactose to simple sugars (7)
15. circular piece of paper bearing several sidearms each ending in a small disc containing a different antibiotic (9)
16. term used to refer to a micro-organism that is unaffected by a certain antibiotic (9)
17. transfer of a gene from one organism to another producing a reprogrammed organism (7,11)
18. alien molecule that triggers antibody production in the human body (7)
19. general name for a chemical produced by one micro-organism (e.g. a fungus) that prevents the growth of some other micro-organism (e.g. a bacterium) (10)


2. term used to refer to a micro-organism that is prevented from growing or killed by a certain antibiotic (9)
3. cleaning agent containing digestive enzymes produced by bacteria (10,9)
4. potentially fatal disease characterised by inflammation of the lungs (8)
7. condition cause by deficiency of insulin (8,8)
8. manufacturing operation where the micro-organism is freely mixed with the raw materials and the process allowed to run its course; at the end the micro-organism may be separated from the product; the process is repeated using fresh inoculum and raw materials (5,10)
9. gland located below the stomach that produces the hormone insulin (8)
12. protein made by animal cells that prevents the multiplication of viruses (10)
14. complex carbohydrate composed of glucose molecules and stored in the liver (8)