Making Food

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

   1      2                 
3              4            
                6   7       
8                9          
10    11    12              13        
         17     18            


1. Complex storage carbohydrate formed from many glucose molecules linked together. (6)
3. Tiny hole in the wall of a xylem vessel that allows sideways transport of water to nearby cells. (3)
5. Tiny pore found on the surface of a leaf through which gases pass. (5)
6. Outer living layer of a woody plant's stem composed of several tissues including phloem. (4)
8. Transport of soluble carbohydrate in phloem tissue. (12)
10. Leaf tissue composed of loosely packed cells that exchange gases with air in nearby air spaces; secondary site of photosynthesis. (6,9)
13. Live tissue containing sieve tubes and conpanion cells; transports soluble food in a plant. (6)
14. Green pigment that traps light energy during photosynthesis. (11)
15. Term describing a leaf that consists of two colours, one of which is green. (10)
16. Dead tissue consisting of tiny hollow tubes (vessels) that transport water in a plant. (5)
17. Live component of phloem tissue through with sugar is translocated; lacks a nucleus. (5,4)
19. Tough woody supporting material present as rings or a spiral on the inside of xylem vessel walls. (6)


2. Waxy waterproof layer present on upper leaf surface which prevents evaporation of water vapour. (10)
3. Process by which a green plant converts light energy to chemical energy stored in food. (14)
4. Transport tissue in a leaf consisting of xylem and phloem. (4)
7. Flammable chemical in which chlorophyll dissolves. (8)
9. Tiny green structure containig chlorophyll; found in some types of plant. (11)
11. Gaseous by-product of photosynthesis released by plant. (6)
12. One of pair of cells that control gas exchange through a stoma. (5,4)
18. Hollow tube that allows materials to be transported in a living thing (e.g. xylem vessel that transports water) (6)