Water and Waste

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  1        2            3   
  6          7           
  9        10         11    12    
    16        17           


2. Tube that carries urine from a kidney to the bladder. (6)
6. Tube that allows the exit of urine from the bladder. (7)
7. Solid waste material passed out of the anus. (6)
8. Chemical released from the pituitary gland that increases the permeability of the kidney tubules. (4-8,7)
9. Process by which useful molecules are returned from the kidney tubules to the bloodstream. (12)
13. One of two bean-shaped organs that excrete urine. (6)
14. U-shaped length of kidney tubule where much water is reabsorbed. (4,2,5)
15. Process by which small molecules pass out of the blood into the nephrons. (10)
16. Tiny knot of blood vessels found in a Bowman's capsule. (10)
18. Filtration of blood through a selectively permeable membrane to remove waste. (8)
19. Watery secretion released by the skin. (5)


1. Small structure attached to the base of the brain that releases ADH. (9,5)
2. Nitrogen-containing waste product made in the liver. (4)
3. Sac that temporarily stores urine. (7)
4. Cup-shaped structure at the start of a nephron. (7,7)
5. One of a million filtering units in a kidney. (7)
10. Blood vessel bringing unpurified blood to the kidney. (5,6)
11. Removal of waste products of metabolism. (9)
12. Blood vessel taking purified blood away from the kidney. (5,4)
17. Solution of urea and salts excreted by the kidney. (5)