What is Inheritance

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1    2                   
 4            5          
           8       9     


1. Type of variation shown by a characteristic that can be divided into two or more distinct groups. (13)
3. Bell-shaped curve of a charcteristic showing continuous variation. (6,12)
4. Young are able to produce more of their own kind. (7,9)
6. Shells whose diameter is used to show an example of continuous variation. (7)
7. Block graph of a characteristic showing continuous variation. (9)
8. Used to show an example of discontinuous variation in humans. (3,5)
10. Differences due to inherited factors that exist between the members of a species. (9)
11. Type of variation shown by a characteristic that cannot be divided into two or more distinct groups. (10)


2. Young that are unable to produce more of their own kind on reaching sexual maturity. (7,9)
5. Group of interbreeding organisms whose offspring are fertile. (7)
9. Graph consisting of separate blocks used to show discontinuous variation. (3,5)