Living Factories

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

        1    2           
 3    4           5         
     11               12   
13        14     15            
            17    18       


7. Heating milk to 73oC for 15 seconds to kill unwanted microbes. (14)
8. Chemical substance made by one micro-organism which prevents the growth of another. (10)
9. Substance produced by bacteria that makes milk turn sour. (6,4)
11. Process by which alcohol is separated from a mixture of water and alcohol by heating to 80oC. (12)
13. Watery liquid that separates out during coagulation of milk. (4)
14. Chemical substance needed by an organism to stay alive and grow. (8)
16. Conversion of starch to maltose in barley before its use in brewing. (7)
17. Sugar present in milk. (7)
19. Simple plant that lacks chlorophyll and reproduces by spores. (6)


1. Food produced from milk by the action of certain lactic acid-forming bacteria. (6)
2. Single celled fungus used in brewing and baking. (5)
3. Type of alcohol. (7)
4. Use of living cells to produce substances or provide services that are useful to human beings. (13)
5. "Dust" on the surface of fruit containing wild yeast. (5)
6. Energy-releasing process carried out by microbes in the absence of oxygen. (12)
10. Food produced from milk by the action of certain lactic acid-forming bacteria. (7)
12. Organic waste containing urine and faeces. (6)
15. Enzyme that separates milk into curds and whey. (6)
18. Solid substance formed from the coagulation of milk by lactic acid. (4)