Introducing Plants

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

2      3                 
   5        6            


1. Protection and careful management of natural resources and the environment. (12)
2. Type of flowering plant with narrow grass-like leaves and only possess one seed leaf. (13)
5. Plant that produces opium. (5)
8. Product of brown seaweeds that is use as a thickening. (8)
9. Type of flowering plant with broad leaves and seeds that produce two seed leaves. (11)
10. Drug produced by a micro-organism that kills or prevents the growth of another micro-organism. (10)
11. Simple water plant with chlorophyll but no leaves. (4)
13. Plant that produces digitalis. (8)
15. Simple plant with spores but no chlorophyll. (6)
16. Microscopic reproductive structure made by members of simpler plant groups. (5)


1. Method of reproduction that produces new strains of plant by using two parents that differ from each other in one or more ways. (5,8)
3. Plant whose seeds bear fibres that can be made into cloth. (6)
4. The planned growth, management and harvesting of trees for timber. (8)
6. Multicellular reproductive structure containing a plant embryo and food store. (4)
7. Plant that produces a drug used as a sedative. (8)
12. Type of plant with evergreen leaves. (7)
14. Simple plant with chlorophyll, spores and tiny leaves. (4)