Growing Plants

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   1            2         
  8          9            
    15        16            


3. Process by which a male gamete fuses with a female gamete. (13)
4. Development of a plant embryo into an independent plant with green leaves. (11)
5. Flower's female sex organ. (5)
6. Structure present in a flower's anther that contains male gametes. (6,5)
8. Small part cut from a plant that is able to grow into another plant. (7)
10. Tissue containing food that surrounds and nourishes the embryo in a seed plant. (9)
11. Group of genetically indentical organisms. (5)
13. Head of a stamen. (6)
15. Structure formed from the ovary following fertilisation. (5)
17. Male reproductive organ of a plant. (6)
18. The part of a plant that is grafted to a stock. (5)
19. Structure that protects an unopened flower bud. (5)


1. Sugary liquid made by a flower. (6)
2. Transfer of pollen grains. (11)
5. Structure containing the female gamete of a flower. (5)
6. Brightly coloured, scented structure that attracts insects to a flower. (5)
7. Sex cell. (6)
9. Structure containing a plant embryo and a food store. (4)
12. Terminal region of the female reproductive organ where the pollen grain becomes attached. (6)
14. Root-bearing part of a graft. (5)
16. Reproductive structure of plants. (6)
17. Connects the stigma to the ovary. (5)