Genetics & Society

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

1   2                     
               3     4    


1. Factor such as radiation that increases the mutation rate. (9,5)
5. Differences due to inherited factors that exist between members of a species. (9)
7. Removal of some amniotic fluid containing foetal cells to check for abnormalities. (11)
8. Condition resulting from a type of mutation that results in individuals receiving one extra chromosome. (5,8)
9. Process by which only those organisms with features most useful are chosen to produce offspring. (9,8)
10. Individual whose phenotype expresses a mutation. (6)
12. Induced abortion of an embryo. (11)


2. Form of radiation that increases mutation rate. (5,6,4)
3. Radiant energy that increases mutation rate in living organisms. (9)
4. Mutant that has received one or more extra sets of chromosomes in its genotype. (9)
6. The increase in quality of a characteristic. (11)
10. General term for a change in an organism's genetic material. (8)
11. Form of radiation that increases the mutation rate. (1,4)