
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

2            3          
     5              6   
10              11        
13            14          


2. Enzyme which promotes the synthesis of starch. (13)
4. Substance on which an enzyme acts. (9)
5. Building up of large complex molecules from smaller ones. (9)
8. Term used to describe the state of an enzyme permanently destroyed by heat. (9)
10. Chemical that increases the rate of a chemical reaction. (8)
11. Protein that acts as a biological catalyst. (6)
12. Term used to describe the relationship between an enzyme and its substrate. (8)
13. Type of organic chemical of which enzymes are composed. (7)
14. White of an egg rich in protein. (7)


1. Term used to describe when an enzyme is at its most active. (7)
3. Region of an enzyme onto which the substrate fits. (6,4)
6. Enzyme that promotes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. (8)
7. Enzyme that promotes the breakdown of proteins. (6)
8. Chemical breakdown of large complex molecules to simpler ones. (9)
9. Enzyme that promotes the breakdown of starch. (7)