Control and Management

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

     1     2         3       
  11    12                  
 17          18             


1. The cultivation of the land for the growing of crops and the rearing of livestock. (11)
5. Partially decomposed organic matter in soil. (5)
7. Unwanted products of living things that are acted upon by decomposers. (7,5)
8. Organic waste containing faeces and urine. (6)
9. Chemical used to kill pests but which pollutes food chains. (9)
12. Indicator species found in badly polluted water. (9)
14. Equipment used to extract sulphur dioxide from industrial fumes. (8)
15. Substance present in the environment which is harmful. (9)
16. Type of living thing that only thrives well under certain environmental conditions and whose presence shows these conditions. (9,7)
17. Process by which dead organisms are broken down by microbes. (5)
18. Chemical used to kill weeds. (9)
19. Capable of being decomposed by decay microbes. (13)


2. Chemical used to kill insects. (11)
3. Liquid containing waste discharged from a sewage works. (8)
4. Indicator species found in very badly polluted water. (10)
6. Indicator species found in badly polluted water. (10)
10. Chemical used to improve the mineral content of the soil. (10)
11. Organisms which obtains its food from the body of another. (8)
13. Chemical used to kill fungi. (9)