Cell Division

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1. Delicate structure connecting the centromere of a chromosome to one of the cell's poles. (7,5)
3. Stage of mitosis when chromosomes form exact replicas of themselves. (10)
4. Process by which a cell divides to form two identical daughter cells. (4,8)
5. A unicellular plant that grows in damp, shady habitats. (12)
7. Structure that temporarily holds two identical chromatids together. (10)
9. Thread-like structure carrying the genetic code. (10)
10. Region of a cell towards which a group of chromatids move during mitosis. (4)
11. Nuclear division resulting in the formation of two daughter nuclei. (7)
12. Stage of mitosis in which the cell begins to split into two. (9)
13. Central region of a cell where the chromosomes line up during mitosis. (7)
14. Cellular structure that divides during mitosis. (7)


2. Production of new individuals. (12)
6. Stage of mitosis when the chromosomes line up on the equator. (9)
8. One of two identical replicas of a chromosome. (9)