Environmental Biology & Genetics

Energy Flow & Factors affecting Variety of Species in an Ecosystem

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1. A group of living organisms of the same species is called a . The sum total of all the populations living in an ecosystem is called the . The place where an organism lives is called its . The term refers to the balanced interaction between the members of a community and their habitat.

2. Green plants are described as because they convert light energy to chemical energy during photosynthesis. This plant food is eaten by herbivorous animals ( consumers) who may in turn be the of predatory carnivorous animals (secondary ).

3. Organisms that obtain their energy by breaking down dead remains or waste materials are called .

4. During the feeding relationships that occur in an ecosystem, energy flows from organism to organism through food and webs but much of this energy is along the way.

5. Amongst the organisms in a food chain the producers are the most numerous. The numbers decrease at each link and the final consumers are the least numerous. This is represented as a pyramid of .

6. In a food web the producers have the greatest biomass. This decreases at each link and the final consumers have the smallest . This relationship can be represented as a of biomass.

7. In a food chain, some of the energy passed on at each link is incorporated in the tissues of the next generation. Most energy is transferred in this way from producer to primary consumer and least energy is transferred at the other end of the food chain. his is represented as a pyramid of .

8. A species is a group of interbreeding organisms whose offspring are . The total variation within and between the members of all the species of living things on Earth is called . The distribution of species is influenced by the to niche and habitat they possess.

9. A ecosystem is found to contain a wide variety of species (producers, consumers and decomposers) living and interacting in a balanced way and dependent on one another.

10. Unselective grazers maintain the of plant species present in a grassland ecosystem. reduces the variety of species present in an affected ecosystem.

11. Some human activities such as deforestation cause habitat which leads to a loss of biodiversity.

12. When a food web is by the removal of one of its members, this may lead to changes in numbers of the remaining members.

13. Animals show adaptations by responding to stimuli in certain ways. These are of adaptive significance since they increase the animal's chance of .

14. Plants for light and soil if they are limited. Animals compete for food, water and . Since the members of a species all have the same , competition is usually more intense than between members of a different species.