Living Cells

Diffusion, Osmosis & Enzyme Action

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1) Diffusion is the movement of molecules of a substance from a high to a concentration down a gradient. is the means by which useful substances enter and materials leave the cells of a living organism.
2) The cell membrane is freely to small molecules such as oxygen, CO2 and water. Some larger molecules diffuse throught the membrane slowly; others are too large to pass through by diffusion. The membrane is said, therefore, to be permeable.
3) When two solutions are of equal water concentration, they are said to be isotonic. When two solutions differ in water concentration, the one with the higher water concentration is said to be and the one with the lower water concentration is said to be .
4) Osmosis is the movement of molecules a cross a selectively permeable from a region of high water concentration to a region of lower water concentration, i.e. down a concentration . is a special case of diffusion.
5) When placed in a hypotonic solution, cells water by osmosis. Animal cells swell up and may ; plant cells swell up and bcome turgid but are prevented from bursting by the presence of cell .
6) When placed in a solution to their contents, cells remain unchanged.
7) When placed in a hypertonic solution, cells water by osmosis. An animal cell ; the contents of a plant cell pull away from the cell wall resulting in the cell becoming .
8) A catalyst is a substance that lowers the input required for a chemical reaction to occur. by doing this it up the chemical reaction yet remains at the end of the reaction.
9) Enzymes are biological . they are made of and are needed for the normal functioning of every living .
10) The active on an enzyme molecule is to the molecular structure of its substrate, allowing the two to combine like a and key. Following catalytic activity at the active site, the end become detached leaving the unaltered.
11) Some enzymes promote the chemical of complex molecules to ones; others promote the building up of molecules from simpler ones.
12) To function efficiently an enzyme requires an appropriate and a suitable temperature. At temperatures above 55 degrees Centigrade mose enzyme molecules are inactive since they have become .