Energy Flow

Chapter 6

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

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4. All of the populations of plants, animals and micro-organisms that live together in an ecosystem (9)
5. Group of living organisms of one type (10)
7. Natural biological unit made of living and non-living parts (9)
8. Green plant that makes food by photosynthesis (8)
9. General name for an organism unable to photosynthesise and dependent on a ready-made food supply (8)
10. Diagram that indicates the relative numbers, boimass or energy content of the organisms in a food chain (7)
11. Complex relationship composed of several inter-related food chains (4,3)


1. Place where an organism lives (7)
2. Animal that is hunted by other animals (4)
3. Micro-organism that obtains its energy by breaking down dead organic material (10)
6. Relationship starting with a green plant, followed by a series of animals, each of which feeds on the previous one (4,5)
8. Animal that hunts other animals for its food supply (8)