Diffusion and Osmosis

Chapter 2

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1                   2    
        5    6           


1. Term used to describe a structure that allows rapid passage through it of all molecules in solution (6,9)
3. Structure used by a unicellular animal to remove excess water gained by osmosis (11,7)
4. Term used to describe two solutions that are equal in water concentration (8)
6. Movement of molecules of a substance from high to low concentration (9)
7. Shrinkage of plant cell contents away from cell walls as a result of excessive water loss (11)
8. Process of increased movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane to a more concentrated solution (7)
9. Term used to descrive a plant cell or tissue swollen with water taken in by osmosis (6)


1. Term used to describe plant tissue that has lost water by osmosis and become soft (7)
2. Term used to describe a solution with a lower water concentration than a comparable solution (9)
5. Term used to describe a solution with a higher water concentration than a comparable solution (10)