
Chapter 14

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

1           2             
       3          4       
 8    9            10         


1. Description of the shape of a red blood cell. (9,4)
3. Process by which haemoglobin loads up with oxygen in the lungs (11)
5. Iron-containing respiratory pigment that combines reversibly with oxygen (11)
6. Protein molecule specific to one antigen (8)
8. Type of white blood cell that makes antibodies (10)
10. Complex molecule recognised as foreign to the body by lymphocytes (7)
12. Phagocytic white blood cell derived from a monocyte and found in connective tissues (10)


2. Process by which haemoglobin unloads its oxygen in the presnece of respiring cells (12)
4. Ability of an organism to resist infectious disease (8)
7. Watery, yellowish liquid in which blood cells are suspended (6)
9. Phagocytic white blood cell found in the bloodstream (8)
11. Process by which bacteria are engulfed an destroyed by certain white blood cells (12)