Structure and function of cells

Chapter 1

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

 1    2          3          
8                 9      
          11    12         
13      14                 


1. Unicellular organisms (8)
4. Sugar from cereal grains used in the brewing of beer (7)
5. Product of anaerobic respiration used as an alternative fuel (7)
6. Sugar in milk acted on by yoghurt-forming bacteria (7)
8. Thin layer that controls entry and exit of materials into and out of a cell (4,8)
11. Describes a microbe that is inhibited by a certain antibiotic (9)
13. The first antibiotic to be isolated and used to fight disease (10)
15. Gas that makes dough rise during baking (6,7)
16. Unicellular fungus used in baking and brewing (5)
17. Chemical substance produced by bacterial action on lactose (6,4)
18. General name for a substance formed by one micro-organism that inhibits growth of other micro-organisms (10)


2. Mesh of cellulose fibres that surrounds and supports a plant cell (4,4)
3. Large sac-like structure in plant cell that regulated the water content of the cell (7)
7. Process on which wine and beer making depend (12)
9. Jelly-like material in which biochemical reactions occur in all living cells (9)
10. Describes a microbe that is neither inhibited nor killed by a certain antibiotic (9)
12. Spherical structure that controls cellular activities (7)
14. Discus-shaped structure containing chlorophyll for photosynthesis (11)