Behaviour, Populations & Environment

Nervous System

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.

1) The human is large relative to body size.
2) The is the largest part of the human brain. It is made up of two halves called which are connected by the callosum. This enables information to be transferred from one half to the other.
3) The nature of the cerbrum's surface allows a large number of nerve cell bodies to be located close together, increasing the potential for exchange of information between them.
4) The cerebrum possesses three types of functional area: areas which recieve information from receptors, association areas which analyse the information and areas which send out information to effectors.
5) Different functions are localised in discrete areas of the cerebrum e.g. auditory, and motor areas.
6) The size of the region of motor area devoted to part of the body is in proportion to the relative of the body part and not to its actual size.
7) Evidence for the localisation of different brain functions comes form studies of EEGs, brain , split-brain patients and observations of people suffering brain injuries and .
8) The human nervous system can be divided on a structural basis into the and peripheral nervous systems.
9) The human nervous system can be divided on a basis into the somatic and systems.
10) Most of the control exerted by the somatic system is over actions.
11) The autonomic system works automatically without involving the person's conscious thought.
12) The autonomic system is made of the and parasympathetic systems which are often .
13) The sympathetic system arouses the body in preparation for ; the parasympathetic helps the body to conserve .
14) The nervous system is composed of sensory, association and motor nerve cells ().
15) Each neurone consists of a cell body and associated nerve fibres: one and several dendrites.
16) A nerve fibre is surrounded by a sheath whose presence greatly increases the at which nerve impulses can be transmitted through the fibre.
17) A is a tiny space between two neurones. Information is transmitted at a synapse by being released by the presynaptic neurone. This chemical combines with sites in the postsynaptic membrane.
18) Some receptor sites respond by having an effect on the postsynaptic membrane; others have an inhibitory effect.
19) In a neural pathway, the route along which a nerve impulse travels divides allowing information to pass to several destinations; in a neural pathway, nerve impulses from several sources are channelled towards and meet at a common destination.
20) Sometimes the brain can supress a reflex action or block out certain sensory impulses, thereby demonstrating of response.