The Continuation of Life

Hormonal Control of Sex Organs & Intervention in Fertility

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1) The of the human male produce sperm and the hormone . The vesicles secrete a liquid containing sugar and prostaglandins. The gland makes lubricating liquid.

2) The of the human female produce eggs and the ovarian hormones and progesterone.

3) The pituitary gland produces the following gonadotrophic hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) in men and hormone (LH) in women.

4) In men, promotes sperm production and ICSH stimulates testosterone production.

5) In women, FSH stimulates the maturation of Graafian containing eggs and the secretion of oestrogen. triggers ovulation and brings about the development of the corpus luteum which secretes .

6) In women, oestrogen stimulates proliferation of the and progesterone promotes its development into a spongy layer rich in blood.

7) The regular sequence of events under normal control in a female makes up the cycle, which has a duration of about 28 days.

8) Fertility in men is : fertility in women is being restricted to the 3-4 days following ovulation in each monthly cycle.

9) Infertility may be caused by failure to , blockage of tubes or failure of implantation in women, and low counts in men.

10) Methods of treatment of infertility include the use of fertility drugs, in fertilisation and artificial .

11) Some methods of contraception are based on biological knowledge of the menstrual cycle. By monitoring changes in body , thickness of cervical and time of previous menstruation, the approximate time of the fertile period can be calculated and sexual intercourse avoided.

12) Hormonal methods of contraception prevent follicles from being and eggs from being released.