Behaviour, Populations & Environment

Communication & Group Behaviour

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.

1) Humans are social animals and with one another throughout life by means of signs and .
2) The period of of a human infant upon adults is lengthy.
3)The strong emotional tie that binds a baby to the mother is called .
4) Infant attachment provides the basis for the development of social, and intellectual skills.
5) Insecurely attached infants who are of normal social contact and cuddling tend to suffer long lasting ill effects.
6) People communicate by verbal and means.
7) is the name given to the strong emotional tie that forms between parents and their newborn infant. The formation of the bond makes the parents want to and provide for the child.
8) Adults communicate non-verbally by employing facial expressions, eye , postures and to express attitudes and .
9) Adults communicate by using language which allows information to be transferred from generation to generation, thereby accelerating and intellectual development.
10) Once a motor skill has been mastered, improves performance.
11) Most people learn a new task more quickly by an expert than by following instructions.
12) During trial-and-error learning, animals are to learn by factors such as hunger and thirst.
13) is the process that makes an animal tend to repeat a certain piece of behaviour.
14) is the process by which a desired pattern of behaviour is eventually obtained from the learner by the trainer reinforcing successive approximations of a desired .
15) is the eventual disappearance of a behaviour pattern when it is no longer reinforced.
16) Most people belong to one or more social of different types and sizes.
17) In general, individuals are found to perform better in situations than on their own. This process is called social .
18) Group occurs when a social group exerts such an influence over an individual that he or she abandons their own ideas in favour of those of the group, occurs when the individual undergoes loss of personal and is unable to resist going along with the behaviour of the group regardless of whether it is acceptable or not.
19) is the process by which an individual incorporates within himself a set of .
20) During , individuals deliberately change their beliefs to try to be like some other person whom they strongly admire.