Cell Function & Inheritance

Chromosomes & Meiosis

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1. A is a unit of heredity, which controls a characteristic. It consists of a region of on a chromosome.

2. A species chromosome is the characteristic number of chromosomes that it possesses (46 in human). These can be arranged into pairs which match one another gene for gene.

3. In a human, one pair of chromosomes determines the of the individual and are called the sex chromosomes. The other 22 pairs are called .

4. A cell containing 46 chromosomes as 23 pairs is : a cell containing 23 chromosomes is haploid.

5. is the process by which the nucleus of a diploid gamete mother cell divides into four, resulting in the formation of four .

6. Prior to nuclear , the amount of chromosomal material doubles by DNA undergoing and reproducing itself exactly.

7. DNA replication allows genetic information to be passed on from cell to cell and from generation to .

8. Meiosis involves two consecutive divisions and produces gametes in preparation for sexual reproduction.

9. During meiosis, new combinations of existing alleles arise by independent and between homologous chromosomes.

10. The meeting of two haploid gametes at fertilisation allows mixing of part of one person's with that of another. By producing diploid individual who are genetically different from their parents, this process produces amongst the members of the human species.